Thursday, 26 April 2012

Fun Day Details

The Scotton Scorchers End-of-Season Fun Day and Awards Ceremony which will take place on Sunday 20th May 2012.

Timetable for the day

The broad timetable for the day is as follows:
10.00                          Arrive at Percy Fields
10.30                          Pavilion and Fun Day Opening Ceremony
11.00                          Fun Day games start
12.00                          Light refreshments
12.15                          Fun Day games continue           
1.00                            BBQ
2.00 - 3.00                 Presentation of awards
3.00                            Bar remains open for remainder of afternoon
Until dusk                  games, music, raffles, bouncy castle, samba band, stalls, Cup competitions and penalty shoot outs


Everyone has been allocated to a “team”.  This year we are using the theme of the Euro 2012 championships.  The teams have been e-mailed to all parents.  If you have not received details then please contact your coach or e-mail  Please feel free to dress up in your team colours, the more outrageous the better (Brazil and England in previous years will take some beating!), face painting is encouraged, as are whistles, air horns, rattles and anything else that adds to the carnival atmosphere!

There will be plenty of entertainment in addition to the fun day games, this includes a bouncy castle which is available all day, the BBQ, raffle, kids and adults penalty shoot out tournaments plus, of course, refreshments.


We are hoping that the weather will be more like 2 years ago rather than the colder conditions we had last year.  With that in mind can you please make sure that you bring sun cream for the kids, we will be providing refreshments but extra water would never be a bad idea.  We also recommend that you bring picnic chairs as we do not have any chairs available and if you want to bring a small gazebo then that will also be OK assuming that we do not have too many!  We may of course not be so lucky so warmer jackets etc. might also be the order of the day L.


There is a lot of parking available at Percy fields but we are expecting lots of people to attend and therefore could you please consider car sharing if possible and when you do arrive please park where indicated and park as courteously as possible.  If you are just dropping off then please take the turn up to Kids at Heart to drop off there as the car park can get blocked if several cars are exiting while others are arriving.

Pavilion Opening

Those that have been to Percy Fields will know that the pavilion building has been completed.  We will be holding an official opening ceremony at the start of the fun day and we welcome as many of you to be there as possible as you have all made contributions through the various fund raising efforts to the building of this pavilion.


On the subject of fund raising, we still need to raise more in order to pay off the final stages of the pavilion build.  We will therefore be holding raffle.  If you can contribute anything to the raffle then we would be very grateful indeed.  Please let me know in advance if you are willing to contribute, additional contributions will also be welcome on the day.


IMPORTANT - As previously notified, we will be collecting registration forms for those that want to register next season.  As we did last year we are trying to ensure that the club can cope with the demand that we have seen over the previous years and put plans in place over the summer to ensure that we have the right numbers in each squad with enough coaches to coach and complete registrations with the various leagues and governing bodies.  It is therefore VITAL that you re-register by the fun day to guarantee your child’s place for next season.

We will be holding a raffle for one lucky child to win back their annual subscription.  All forms with FULL payment enclosed will qualify for the draw.  This includes all those that have paid already and also includes all those that split their registration over 2 payments with one cheque payable on or before 20th May 2012 and the second payable on 1st September 2012.  A copy of the registration for is enclosed.

Help Needed

We really look forward to the fun day and know that the kids really enjoy the games, the awards and the entertainment.  This takes a great deal of effort to organise and on the day there are many jobs that need to be done.  If you are willing to offer some help for the preparations or on the day then please e-mail me to offer your support.


Scotton Scorchers Committee